Friday, September 14, 2012

Not too cold war between Apple and Samsung

Samsung recently that if he was going all right in the smartphone market is a fact known to all. That in the corridors of Cupertino, the boss of Apple began to look with some concern the success of the South Korean giant, malignant rumors circulating among the experts.

Whether in the quarter between January and March 2012 Samsung had sold 44.5 million smartphone, an indisputable fact. Approximately 21,000 units per hour. 30.6% of the global market. At the same time Apple sold "just" 35 million iPhones, reaching 24% market share. Not a few, you say. But still 9 million less than its fiercest competitor. A difference not just negligible.

And now comes the Galaxy S III. Less cool iPhone but able to attract the same attention and curiosity of the more "sophisticated" - in terms of style - gadget from Cupertino. Even from the audience of "applecentrici."
Nine million pre-orders in record time. Sales expect sensational. At the headquarters of Samsung is all a party. The iPhone teasing abound.

At the other end of the world Tim Cook not talks. I imagine him sitting in a chair, with a grin frozen on his face while toying with the prototype of the new iPhone. And he thinks.
"Wait October. Then we'll see who's laughing. "

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